Photo credit: Blue Luna Photography. Click here to visit:

Photo credit: Blue Luna Photography. Click here to visit:

I am first and foremost a follower of Jesus Christ. I continually seek to become more like Him and abide in Him. My peace, strength and joy come from knowing Jesus personally.   I know that only by the power of the Holy Spirit—and His work in my life—have I become the woman I am today.  I am fully dependent upon Him to live out the divine plan that God has prepared for me. 

I was born and raised in Western Pennsylvania, one of four children.  My dad worked two jobs to support the family while my mom stayed home with us kids. I attended church throughout my youth but sadly, I don’t ever recall being told that Jesus loved me or that faith was about relationship instead of performing the right rituals. But I did believe in God and I did talk with Him, especially when troubles arose.  We were not grounded in the Word but I would often pick up my grandma’s Bible and try to understand what I was reading.  The writing style of the King James Version was especially difficult for me and, unfortunately, with no one to guide me through it or explain it, I struggled to grasp the message. Often discouraged, many months (sometimes years) would pass before picking it up again.

I graduated from high school and attended Clarion University of Pennsylvania, graduating with a Bachelor of Science in Communication, my focus on public relations and media, particularly writing, editing, and television. It was on this campus, at the age of 18, that I would come to understand that I needed to invite Jesus into my heart, admit I was a sinner, and enter into a relationship with Him.  Unfortunately, however, because I didn’t understand that this meant I needed to turn away from my sins and live according to God’s ways, I continued to live my life in a way that was governed by my own opinions and guidelines instead. 

Ten years passed before I would completely surrender my life to Jesus Christ, meaning, I surrendered to the Holy Spirit’s leading, making the decision to (finally!) do things His way, not my own.  Now He was not only my Savior but also Lord of my life. I began to drink in the Word of God and apply it. I started to see real change in all aspects of my life and began experiencing what living with peace and joy looks like, even (especially) in the midst of hard things. The Lord faithfully pours out His unfathomable mercy, grace, patience and unconditional love upon me, even when I least deserve it. He does the same for you, too. It’s vitally important to understand that we need to give God everything of our lives and not be complacent, mediocre, wishy-washy Christians—followers of Jesus Christ—because He deserves so much more than a half-hearted attempt at living for Him.

Jennifer Cadamore Ministries was founded in 2011 when God made it abundantly clear that I was to teach His Word to girls and women. I had been asking Him to “establish the work of our {my} hands” (Psalm 90:17) and crying out to Him the words of Jeremiah: “But if I say, ‘I will not mention his word or speak anymore in his name,’ his word is in my heart like a fire, a fire shut up in my bones. I am weary of holding it in; indeed, I cannot” (20:9). He then revealed to me a vision that left me incredulous, much like how Sarah was left laughing at the thought of bearing a son in her old age (See Genesis 17). But a teaching ministry for girls and women is exactly what He lead me into and He had ordained it before my birth. It’s a privilege and joy to serve Him in this capacity and a responsibility I take very seriously. How exciting to walk alongside anyone who is seeking a deeper relationship with the Lord and encourage them as Paul did the Church in Ephesus, urging them " walk in a manner worthy of the calling to which you have been called..." (Ephesians 4:1).

To reiterate my mission statement, I am committed to teaching girls and women the importance of knowing the Word of God and how to effectively apply it their lives so that it affects their lives and, ultimately, the lives of those around them. I believe that if girls can grasp the principles of the Scriptures while they’re young, they will be better prepared for life, particularly during their teen years, when so often they are faced with some really difficult choices and challenges. This foundation then will carry them through the rest of their lives as they continue to build upon it and help them to make wise, Biblical choices regarding all aspects of their lives, at every stage. I also believe that it’s never too late to begin. Because I am convinced of the transforming power of the Bible, part of the ministry’s outreach is to give free Bibles to those in need. (See the Resources page for more info.)

I am a Bible teacher, conference speaker and author. My devotional, You Are Beautiful! Devotions to Help You Understand Your Worth & Purpose,  is available on Amazon, in both paperback and eBook formats. You can choose from the first edition or my latest Pocket Edition that has the same great lessons with updated content in a more compact package!

Also available on Amazon is Worth Every Second: Developing Perseverance in Our Faith, in both paperback and eBook formats.

***NEW BOOK IN THE WORKS! Generous: Understanding the Breadth and Depth of God’s Love for His Creation will discuss the inexplicable and abundant provision God lavishes on us. I can’t wait for you to read it!!

You can find me on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and YouTube (simply click on YouTube to visit my channel—be sure to subscribe!). I’m also a featured speaker on Christian Women Speakers (click on Christian Women Speakers to visit their website), where you can find over a thousand other speakers for your next event!

Celebrating 30 years of marriage, Brian and I have owned and operated our construction company for as long as we’ve been married, where I serve as bookkeeper.  We have three adult sons, two daughters-in-law (soon to be three!!), two granddaughters and three grandsons!

My hobbies include writing, reading, running, swimming and hiking. Oh—and laughing like crazy.

Looking back at those beginning moments spent in my grandma's Bible, I certainly never dreamed that one day I would answer God’s call to teach others about it! I am so grateful that He didn't allow me to give up, but pursued me and nudged me to return time and again. For however long I have on this earth, I intend to serve Him according to His plans and purposes for my life.

May you know Jesus intimately,


**In case this was overlooked in my Mission Statement, please note:

I will not teach to any groups that contain men, keeping in line with the Biblical principle found in 1 Timothy 2:12.